Long Time no Write


My rack, getting ever so slightly more full...
My rack, getting ever so slightly more full…

     So yes, it has been a very long time since I have written on here but from my last post I had just started my new job in Brussels Belgium. What can I say it has kept me busy and now has led to a promotion (cheers for me J). However as with all good things I have to take the bad also, which leads me to the process of getting ready to move so I can take the promotion. (Moving Sucks ASS!!!) So where am I going? Well it is a terrible place but I have to take one for the team ;). So soon I will be calling Vicenza Italy my new home as you can all guess it toke all of 2 seconds to say yes, I will take it to the HR rep.

     In the past year, I have been managing 3 TDM telephone switches. It is like the most boring job ever, I swear that they were designed to survive a nuclear war, in which I am saying that they never brake. Sure, I had a lot of customer issues brought on by their own carelessness like accidentally cutting the telephone cord with their chair and such but the switch its self never had any major issues. And my core switch tech had been here so long that he remembers when the switch was installed 20 years ago, and has been maintaining it ever since. Will I be sad to leave my team behind, absolutely! But now I will have to work on working with my new team in Vicenza as Regional Network Manager for the Mediterranean area. More money more responsibility and hopefully more to do!


New server in build state
New server in build state.

One thing I am going to miss from Brussels is the super-duper internet connection that I have here FTTC 250Mbs down and 30Mbs up. You can never truly appreciate the great things on the internet till you have lots of bandwidth at your disposal. The things I have been able to experiment with super-fast internet and a fist full of servers and networking equipment at my disposal. Right now, I have a Web, VoIP, TeamSpeak, AD, File, Network management servers operational and a side VM host server for all sorts of other cool stuff. I really have an IT problem maybe I should see a doctor about it. Every time people see all the hardware I have in my house they are like why in hell do you need all that stuff. They make fun of the fact that I have set up a mini corporate network in my house. I just tell them it is for work and that I use it for such. I love my job a little too much at times. 🙂


Well I have to write aging later as I am busy getting ready to move and trying to find a house to buy in Italy.



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