Dying From Italian Pizza?

When I search “Italian pizza” into the search bar, it comes up with anything but that. Local eateries that think they serve ‘authentic’ Italian dishes is all that comes up, as well as some recipes that I haven’t used. Authentic Italian pizza should be celebrated for its taste, how it’s made, and how you eat it. American pizza is acceptable, but it’s no match for Italy’s. However, there is the truth about eating too much of it. Pizza in general is not good for you. So, have people died from eating too much pizza? Is it dangerous to eat it every day?

As some know, American pizza is no match for Italy’s. What makes Italian pizza so good though? Is it the dough? The cheese? The way they make it? Anyone can say “Italian food is better.” But why?

To start, I will talk about the ‘Pizza Margherita.’ The dough isn’t too thick and is crusty on the bottom. It has Roma tomatoes, usually sliced, with mozzarella cheese, olive oil, some garlic, basil leaves, and everything on the pizza is perfectly melted (Pizza Recipe). That’s the standard. The flour is what makes it stand out, in my opinion. “The dough is tacky and difficult to handle, but the finished result is good: chewy, crunchy on the underside, and with a pleasant flavor” (Cloake). Usually because of the gluten content within the flour that they use (Cloake).

If you look up “Margherita Pizza” in the images bar, you will see it looks smaller in comparison to American cheese pizza. It’s usually cooked in a fire burned oven, where the bottom becomes black and the top is melted in perfection.
If the portion sizes are smaller in Italy, then how are individuals dying of pizza? If you eat a lot, then you will gain a lot. If you gain a lot, and eat a lot of unhealthy food, then you will surely have health problems and possibly die from them. It’s as simple as that. If an Italian eats pizza once every single day, then they will probably die from that. Moderation is key, even with Americans. It’s not a matter of Italians eating too much or Americans eating too much. It’s a matter of controlling portions and eating healthier.

Pizza is only an accessory to your death. Not the main culprit. A poor diet is skipping breakfast, eating a lot of fast food, oversized portions, and drinking an abundant of sugar. That’s what causes diabetes, too much sodium in the system, and too much fat. All of which can lead to death (Paula).

Italian pizza is delicious and, in my opinion, a better pizza in comparison to American pizza. But that doesn’t mean you should eat it every day. Portion sizes and moderation is what is going to keep you alive if you choose to eat a lot of pizza. As said above, it is only an accessory to death in poor dieting. Not the main culprit. So, you can still enjoy amazing Italian pizza, with moderation.


Cloake, F. (2011, September 08). How to cook the perfect pizza. Retrieved June 26, 2017, from https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/wordofmouth/2011/sep/08/how-to-cook-perfect-pizza
Paula, E. (n.d.). Long-Term Effects of Bad Eating Habits. Retrieved June 26, 2017, from http://healthyeating.sfgate.com/longterm-effects-bad-eating-habits-10555.html
Pizza Recipe : Margherita Pizza. (n.d.). Retrieved June 26, 2017, from http://www.recipepizza.com/toppings/margherita_pizza.htm


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