• Category Archives Asterisk PBX
  • Long Time no Write


    My rack, getting ever so slightly more full...
    My rack, getting ever so slightly more full…

         So yes, it has been a very long time since I have written on here but from my last post I had just started my new job in Brussels Belgium. What can I say it has kept me busy and now has led to a promotion (cheers for me J). However as with all good things I have to take the bad also, which leads me to the process of getting ready to move so I can take the promotion. (Moving Sucks ASS!!!) So where am I going? Well it is a terrible place but I have to take one for the team ;). So soon I will be calling Vicenza Italy my new home as you can all guess it toke all of 2 seconds to say yes, I will take it to the HR rep.

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  • Thoughts on my UPSs

    Home Server Rack
    Home Server Rack

       I hate cheap uninterruptible power supplies (UPS). I live in a small village in Germany where at times the power can be a bit unreliable. So to counter this I have a number of UPSs in the house from Trust and APC. I must admit that I only bought the Trust UPS because they are cheap, however you get what you pay for. Do the UPS from Trust work? Yes they do however they have some issues that I find problematic.

        I have two power strips on my server rack with each power strip attached to its own UPS. This is done to distribute the load and maximize system uptime in case of a power outage. However, as you can see in the photo I only have a switch and two Atom servers. The switch and the servers are on separate power strips additionally my desktop is on the power strip with the switch. Now with this in mind, before I had the APC UPS I had two Trust UPSs. This leads to the main issue I had with the Trust UPSs.
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