• Category Archives cyber
  • Thoughts on my UPSs

    Home Server Rack
    Home Server Rack

       I hate cheap uninterruptible power supplies (UPS). I live in a small village in Germany where at times the power can be a bit unreliable. So to counter this I have a number of UPSs in the house from Trust and APC. I must admit that I only bought the Trust UPS because they are cheap, however you get what you pay for. Do the UPS from Trust work? Yes they do however they have some issues that I find problematic.

        I have two power strips on my server rack with each power strip attached to its own UPS. This is done to distribute the load and maximize system uptime in case of a power outage. However, as you can see in the photo I only have a switch and two Atom servers. The switch and the servers are on separate power strips additionally my desktop is on the power strip with the switch. Now with this in mind, before I had the APC UPS I had two Trust UPSs. This leads to the main issue I had with the Trust UPSs.
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  • Web Site Cryptography

        Every time you connect to a website on the internet and need to send something securely you look for the little padlock in your browser to show that you have connected to a secure website. To do this we use a system called Hypertext Transfer Protocol over Secure Socket Layer (HTTPS). However, there are a number of crypto technologies that secure the connection between you and the website that you are connecting to. Below we will look at four websites and the crypto algorithms that they use in securing your connection to them.
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  • Cryptographic Algorithms

        Throughout time man has had secrets that needed to be sheared without others knowing what was talked about. This led to the development of cryptography to help man meet this requirement. Cryptography is the practice of the enciphering and deciphering of messages in secret code in order to render them unintelligible to all but the intended receiver (Merriam-Webster, 2014). However, in the modern day cryptography has taken on new importance as we have the need to pass more and more data securely. Below we will look at the strengths, weaknesses of symmetric, asymmetric, and hybrid cryptography along with the systems and algorithms they use.
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  • My Top IT Threats

        I am not what you would call a normal computer user; in fact, I would even put myself above the so-called power users. I have worked in the IT field for the last 19 years of my life and during that time, I have seen a large swath of issues facing IT managers regarding security threats. These threats range from the benign to outright dangerous data destroying type. Therefore, what is the most dangerous types of security threats faced by IT managers today, let’s take a look.

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  • Sources of IT Security Threats

       As we have moved into the 21st century, technology has become so pervasive in our daily lives that it is almost unavoidable. It was only less than 20 years ago, that one would look to their local newspaper to find work or pay bills via the postal system that has served us reliably for so many years. However nowadays finding work involves going on the internet and searching many online job search sites and debit cards along with online banking have largely replaced cash or check payments in our daily financial transactions. With this in mind let us look at why information security is important and some of the sources of information threats.

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  • IT Manager Duels

        IT manager duels gets a second look and a longer game play session today. After playing the tutorial last week and covering, the basics of game play along with some fundamental mechanics of the game. This week like in the movie Inception, we will be going deeper but not Deep Throat deep as that would be too much for the younger readers. So where do we start? Well maybe we should look at the strategies of winning the single player game.

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  • Skills required by a software development team lead


        Today’s software development managers have to deal with a range of issues while trying to meet customer expatiations, time lines and the project cost window. What skills do they need to be successful in today’s competitive environment? I am going to paint out three skills I think are critical to successful project development in today’s fast pace environment. Continue reading  Post ID 187


  • IT Ethics in Pursuit of Political Revolutions


        Today we start with the question “Is it ethical for IT vendors such as Google to promote the use of their information technology products in pursuit of political revolutions in various countries?” We will look at some IT venders and how they support political revolutions in the world to include not only how but why they support or do not support them. Continue reading  Post ID 187


  • Responsibility over violence in video games

        Who is responsible for the violence in today’s video game and protecting our children from mental harm? Is it the video game makers or is it the governments responsibility, or should we just let the parents do their job in raising their kids and determine what is right or wrong? In the following paper I will try to put to you what I thing is right and wrong and who is responsible party in protecting the minds of young children.


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  • Protect your Data in the Event of a Disaster

                Is your company’s data safe from disaster ether man made or by nature?  It is not a question of if disaster will strike, but when will it strike.  Most businesses cannot afford nowadays to go without their data with their heavy reliance on customer databases and financial transaction systems.  So how can a company’s data, information and knowledge be protected in the event of a disaster? 

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