• Category Archives cyber
  • The Best Netowrk Security Practices

                Everyone has their opinion as to what are the best security practices.  At work, we have at least 20 booklets on network security specifying in detail how to secure our network from attack.  I am not going to lie the books are very good and the information in them is sound for our network implementation, but what we consider our best security practices may not work for someone else.  Here are some of my best practices. Continue reading  Post ID 82


  • Web Security Issues and Solutions

                The primary face of the internet is the World Wide Web (WWW), which since its invention has been transforming the world around us.  Websites deliver us all sorts of information from healthcare advice, to websites dedicated to cat photos.  We even trust websites to our most personal communications and our financial lives.  However, everything is not all rainbows and unicorns on the internet’s World Wide Web.  There is a darker side to the internet, people who trade in your personal information and steal your identity for profit and fun.  Large criminal hacker organizations exist on the internet today, pillaging the World Wide Web like modern day pirates.  Sadly though, many websites today do not take the most basic precautions to protect themselves properly form the darker side of the internet. Continue reading  Post ID 82


  • PGP Just a Good Idea…

                Here we are in 2013 a world away from the days that one could trust that communications would not be intercepted and read by third parties.  However, with recent disclosures about government spy programs, elite hacker groups, and just normal people sneaking a look see at your computer, what can one do to protect their private communications and data?  Never fear there are ways of protecting your data in the guise of personal encryption systems; so let us look at one. Continue reading  Post ID 82


  • How to Achieve Business Information Security in Cyberspace

              The year is 2013 and only now, we are starting to see businesses start to take cyber security seriously.  Why did it take so long for the business world to wake up to the threat?  Well they have always been aware of the threat but the bottom line and the cost benefit analysis of securing ones data did not come out on the side of security.  To quote the Department of Homeland Security, “For business owners, protecting cyberspace is part of their bottom line. Cyber-crime can mean financial loss for businesses both large and small. To address emerging cyber threats, we must acknowledge our shared responsibility to Achieve Cyber security Together.” (Department of Homeland Security, 2012)

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