• Category Archives internet
  • Be careful of what you put on the Internet

    The internet is not a safe place. Almost everyone that knows about the world wide web and its social media platforms, knows to be careful about what they put out there. One questionable post or picture, even sharing an article, can lead to something bad like, not getting the job you want, getting fired from your current job, unwanted attention, and a possibility of the authorities coming to you for questioning. We will discuss what you should and shouldn’t put on the internet whether they are on social media or putting out an article.

    We all have some sort of social media account that we may or may not use every day. Truly, it doesn’t matter if you use it every day. It matters what you put on it. Anyone can search you up on the internet nowadays, so you should reconsider putting out that picture of you drinking a cocktail at that sports bar. If anything, always maximize your privacy settings on it.

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  • The Security of Passwords

    Almost everything is done on the internet nowadays. As a society, we continue to upgrade to the newest technology out there. Most websites use passwords for your security and will continue to use passwords. But what makes a good password and is yours secure enough to ensure your safety?

    Every website out there, that wants some type of information from you for a profile or to buy items, wants you to create a ‘sign-in’ which requires a username, usually your email, and a password. This is to ensure security of your profile because you might have personal information on it like your address, social security, card and banking numbers, orders, and much more. It’s imperative to have a password and keep it safe; for your eyes only.

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  • How to Separate Fact from Fiction on the Internet

               We spend so much time on the internet, it’s become an epidemic of people constantly on their phones or tablets. What are they looking at? It ranges from pictures, statuses, articles, journals, blogs, videos, etc.

    There is so much out there, but how do we know what’s fact from fiction? Just because a ‘truthful’ person says something, does not make it true. It works for a ‘truthful’ website as well. Just because they post something that reads true and you agree with it, does not make it fact.

    Fact is “something that actually exists; reality; truth” and is “a truth known by actual experience or observation; something known to be true” (Fact). Or in other words, something that is a fact is something that can be backed up by evidence that can make it to be true by others.

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  • Long Time no Write


    My rack, getting ever so slightly more full...
    My rack, getting ever so slightly more full…

         So yes, it has been a very long time since I have written on here but from my last post I had just started my new job in Brussels Belgium. What can I say it has kept me busy and now has led to a promotion (cheers for me J). However as with all good things I have to take the bad also, which leads me to the process of getting ready to move so I can take the promotion. (Moving Sucks ASS!!!) So where am I going? Well it is a terrible place but I have to take one for the team ;). So soon I will be calling Vicenza Italy my new home as you can all guess it toke all of 2 seconds to say yes, I will take it to the HR rep.

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  • Web Site Cryptography

        Every time you connect to a website on the internet and need to send something securely you look for the little padlock in your browser to show that you have connected to a secure website. To do this we use a system called Hypertext Transfer Protocol over Secure Socket Layer (HTTPS). However, there are a number of crypto technologies that secure the connection between you and the website that you are connecting to. Below we will look at four websites and the crypto algorithms that they use in securing your connection to them.
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  • Internet Based Conferencing Security

        Over the years, it has always been necessary for people to have meetings. These meetings generally happen face to face, and as businesses became more globalized, it became necessary for management to travel to have these meetings. This travel although necessary was a great expense for an organization. A five-person meeting conducted in-person (involving plane travel for four of the attendees) is over seven times more expensive than a meeting conducted by audio conference, and nearly three times as expensive as a videoconference (INFOCOM, 2014). Leading to cost saving measures, which initially toke the form of conference calls over the analog phone systems.

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  • Municipal Wi-Fi, To Be or Not To Be

        Today as many as 57 cities in the United States have municipal Wi-Fi (Springer, 2013). Nevertheless, these systems are little more than secondary internet connections to most people. Right now, 85% of Americans over the age of 18 have access to the internet and 70% of adults have high-speed internet in their homes. Of the portion of the population, that does not have internet in their home, nearly half claim that they simply do not want or need it. Thus, for the vast majority of the population, municipal Wi-Fi plans will only provide a supplement to household connections (Springer, 2013).
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  • An Introduction to Database Technology and Database Management

        What is a database? In basic terms, it is an organized collection of data. This data is typically organized to model relevant aspects of reality in a way that supports processes requiring this information (Wikipedia, 2014 ). Our modern life is inundated by their use to store and make usable the massive amounts of data that we now generate. A 2011 study by IBM estimated that our society creates about 2.5 quintillion (1018) bytes of data every day (StorageNewsletter, 2011). Databases allow humanity to use all that data that is generated.


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  • IT Ethics in Pursuit of Political Revolutions


        Today we start with the question “Is it ethical for IT vendors such as Google to promote the use of their information technology products in pursuit of political revolutions in various countries?” We will look at some IT venders and how they support political revolutions in the world to include not only how but why they support or do not support them. Continue reading  Post ID 331
