Voting is your time to follow a particular course of action that you live by. Whether it be that of an individual’s values and actions or because you want to reject something or someone that you don’t believe in. Voting means voicing in something or someone that you believe in to change the world/country for the better and it’s all about the people that live in it, so you should use your right to do so.
Voting, according to an online dictionary, is “a formal expression of opinion or choice, either positive or negative, made by an individual or body of individuals; the means by which such expression is made, as a ballot, ticket, etc.” (Dictionary). Continue reading → Post ID 705
There are millions of films out there, but only half of them are actually good. What about those films that are bad? There are many, many bad films out there, but only a few are so bad that they have to be watched for the content of ridiculousness.
Films can be anything nowadays since the code has been banished. Now there are films about sharks in a tornado forming mayhem within bad acting. Or a there are films about a killer tire. Yes, a tire. So, if you ever had a wacky idea for a film, there’s a 99% chance that you can achieve success through them. Continue reading → Post ID 705
This day in age is different from all the others because we have an advanced technology. But, because of that, our society has been known to have less communication between people. Others will say that because of our advanced technology, we have more communication methods now more than ever before. It’s both a problem and advantage to our society.
The main issue here, to many people, is the mass usage of cell phones. They are everywhere now. More than ever before, almost everyone has a cell phone. Many think that this is the main problem with younger generations. They say that they are “too involved with their screens and don’t give enough attention to the actual world.” This is not always the case. Continue reading → Post ID 705
There are many websites, videos, and even people out there that are misinformed about vegetarianism. It’s a quality of life, a diet for many people, and a way to judge someone. But, there is more to it than just that. Being vegetarian has many benefits, as well as disadvantages that everyone should know before embarking on this new ‘quality of life’ and before they judge others.
What exactly is a vegetarian? Is it someone who doesn’t eat any meat? Is it someone who just eats salads and drinks only water? Look at this definition: “a person who does not eat meat: someone whose diet consists wholly of vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts, and sometimes eggs or dairy products” (vegetarian). No meat at all and chooses to have dairy products still. Continue reading → Post ID 705
Will having taxes on junk food prove to be beneficial for the overall health of this country? Or will people just stick to it and pay more? Adding taxes to everyday junk food will, in theory, lead to a healthier country. Exploring what could happen and why this is important is crucial to these counties overall well-being.
There was a study done that suggested that when a person buys a soda, then they are 30% more likely to become obese – which obviously increases the risk of heart disease and other health diseases (Blanding). Another point is that it’s cheap; making it more accessible. “While that may be the price on the sticker at the store, it doesn’t consider the cost to public health” (Blanding).
Being the President is one tough job. Being the highest government leader in the US can be a daunting task, but if I were to be President, there are some things I would change just like many people would. America is great, the land of the free, home of the brave, and many other great happenings have occurred here. Based on the President themselves, they have implemented many laws and said a great many of speeches, however, America isn’t perfect. Nothing ever is, but we can try to be the best that we can be.
Being President, you have numerous jobs to uphold. Many people are counting on you. “Chief executive of the federal government and Commander in Chief of the armed forced. As Commander in Chief, the president has the authority to send troops into combat, and is the only one who can decide whether to use nuclear weapons” (The President’s Job). Continue reading → Post ID 705
Many people will consider ‘critical thinking’ as one way of teaching almost anything in schools due to its reasoning and self-thinking skills that will help you later in life. Now that schools have been teaching less and less based on what they want to teach, but instead of what they must teach for the standardized tests that are taken each year by students. It’s a wonder why they don’t teach critical thinking as often as they should. Should they have a full course on this subject and why haven’t they been teaching this in these modern times?
According to the National Council for Excellence in Critical Thinking, it is “the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information” and “is based on universal intellectual values that transcend subject matter divisions: clarity, good reasons, depth, consistency, [etc]” (Defining).
It is also said to be “self-guided, self-disciplined thinking which attempts to reason at the highest level of quality in a fair-minded way” (Defining). Individuals who use critical thinking are living rationally, reasonably, and empathically. It’s no wonder many of us want a course about this and beyond.
Standardized Tests are the new normal in schools across the country. These tests are designed to make sure that the student is ready for the next grade and if they should be put into a remedial class. However, these tests are damaging our students early on in their educational career due to high stress, the chance of not getting into an elective
Standardized Test Form
class, and making students feel insignificant when not doing well on them.
A standardized test is a test that schools do to ensure that the student can comprehend the material that they have learned that school year. To be more specific, it’s a “form of test that (1) requires all test takers to answer the same questions, or a selection of questions from common bank of questions, in the same way, and that (2) is scored in a “standard” or consistent manner, which makes it possible to compare the relative performance of individual students or groups of students” (Liberty).
FOR RELEASE SATURDAY, JULY 30, 2016, AT 3:01 A.M. EDT.-This photo taken Nov. 19, 2015, shows Melissa Heisler looking at a H&K P2000sk . The store has seen the sale of compact pistols, which are easier to conceal, after the terror attacks in Paris. ( Jeremy Long/Lebanon Daily News via AP)
Mass shootings are events that are, unfortunately, a common tragedy now. Every year, there seems to be a handful of these misfortunes that Americans ‘pray’ and pledge that ‘we aren’t afraid.’ Yet, it seems to continue, year after year, with an individual or some individuals, that rain down terror at an event to be of happiness and fun. I’ll examine the gun laws in some states that are upheld now, two tragic mass shooting events, and why I think America should get stricter gun laws considering these events.
First, the gun law in Nebraska is that “open carry is legal … with a valid license to carry, and you can have a handgun in your vehicle without a permit so long as it is clearly visible” and the Nebraska Constitution states that “… the right to keep and bear arms for security or defense of self, family, home, and others, and for lawful common defense, hunting, recreational use, and all other lawful purposes, and such rights shall not be denied or infringed by the state or any subdivision thereof” (Ciyou). In contrast to North Dakota’s law: “Open carry is legal in North Dakota with a valid license to carry, but you can carry an unloaded handgun without a license during daylight hours, or at any time on your property” (Ciyou). And even contrasting with Arkansas: “Arkansas is a constitutional carry state, meaning that anyone legally allowed to possess a handgun may carry it open or concealed without a license’ (Ciyou).