• Category Archives Basic Research Paper
  • Minimum of 500 words and 3 citations.

  • World Trade Organization

    The World Trade Organization or, WTO, is an international organization that deals with the trade between nations and the rules to do so. Its goal is to aid producers of goods and services, importers, and exporters to conduct their business. However, that is just the surface level of information of the WTO. What exactly is it and how does it work to help these producers conduct their business successfully?

    According to the official website of the WTO, they are a “forum for governments to negotiate trade agreements. It is a place for them to settle trade disputes. It operates a system of trade rules” (What is the WTO). Basically, it’s a place where an individual or member of a government goes to sort out any issues with their trade with other places. It not only covers trade in goods, but “also covers cross-border trade in service and ideas, and the movement of personnel” (World Trade).

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  • Digging For Diamonds – Why We Still Do It

    Diamonds are girl’s best friend is a famous saying the world has for a reason: they are beautiful and every girl love wearing them. They glisten in the sun, are strong gemstones, and are highly valuable in the market of engagement rings. However, we can make diamonds in a lab, yet we are still trying to dig them up in mines and parks around the world. Why is this still happening and are diamonds really as valuable as we claim them to be?

    Diamonds are the strongest mineral on earth and “is the most concentrated form of pure carbon in the natural world” (What Exactly). They are visual of affection and their “unique properties put them a cut above the rest” (What Exactly). They have a value high in the way they are made by the earth. Continue reading  Post ID 762


  • America – A Nation Living in Fear

    It’s apparent that America is in the times of fear. With terrorism, mental health declining, homelessness still a high issue, rising prices, political parties blaming each other for everything, and gun control it’s no wonder. As a society and a person in the midst of this, how can it be solved or approached in a better manner?

    Americans are living in such high fear due to many attacks of terrorism and the recent school shootings that we can’t wrap our minds around. “…we are so used to such an insane level or prosperity that the thought of losing git all creates a great deal of fear” (Snyder). The simple thought of losing their jobs and benefits running out, causes them to have high tension and then behavior that makes their marriages fail or families running away from them. It’s a scary time. Continue reading  Post ID 762


  • Richest Nation on the Planet – Why Aren’t We The Happiest?

    We may be one of the richest nations on the planet, but we are far from being the happiest. Why does this matter? Many will say happiness over money. But, both is good too. Why not be happy and rich? There are many reasons as to why we are no longer close to the top on the list of happiest on the planet.

    According to the UN’s Happiest Countries Index of 2018, the United States is at the 18th mark. Whereas, Finland is at the very top at number one. Norway coming in second and then Denmark in third (World Happiness Report).

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  • High Cost of Having Children

    Not everyone wants to have children and that’s fine. Other who do or have already had children understand how much it can cost. The hospital bill, special food, medicines, diapers, beds, clothing, and so much more is what children need in order to thrive in this world. Why is it so much and why doesn’t this defer people from having children?

    The cost of a child truly depends on where you live and how much you make. According to nbc news, “Daycare alone for an infant in New York City, can run $18,000 a year or more” (Fox). That’s just daycare alone. Add housing, toys, and food to that and you have about $31,000 a year. Continue reading  Post ID 762


  • Unstoppable Power of Greed

    Greed is everywhere. You want more of something and sometimes you will stop at nothing to get it. It’s more or less an ugly trait that people have always had. It is an unstoppable force of character that leads to terrible consequences. This leads to the quote by Lord Acton: “Absolute power corrupts absolutely.” What did Acton truly mean by this and what others idea does this possess today?

    In absolute monarchies, which is all power is given to or taken by the monarch, this absolute power has corrupting influences. Examples include Roman emperors, since they declared themselves as Gods and Napoleon Bonaparte when he declared himself an emperor (Power). The idea of the quote is that it “conveys the opinion that, as a person’s power increases, their moral sense diminishes” (Power). Continue reading  Post ID 762


  • Corporatocracy

    Whether you believe in the government and the people controlling the land or not, this land is somewhat being controlled by corporations. There’s nothing we can really do about it, alone, since many people have become pacified in this corporatocracy-created culture and institutions. However, there are ways we can fight against it.

    First, a definition, A corporatocracy “is a system of government in which a corporation, group of corporations or entities run by corporations control the direction and governance of a country, either directly or indirectly” (What is). Although, it is said that there are no true corporatocracies in the world today, many will criticize the government for being heavily influenced by corporations. Continue reading  Post ID 762


  • Humanism – A Philosphy

    There are so many ways you could describe humanism. Modern, secular, religious, western cultural, etc. Every way that you see Humanism, there is always going to be something that triggers you into thinking that you are in this as it is very common although people don’t see their views this way. But there is Humanism as a philosophy and you should understand what it really is before delving into it deeper.

    A basic definition of Philosophical Humanism “is any outlook or way of life centered on human need and interest. Sub-categories of this type include Christian Humanism and Modern Humanism” (Edwords). Although, some would say that philosophical humanism “starts with the belief that there is no god” and “that evolution is the cornerstone of the humanist philosophy” (Edwords). Continue reading  Post ID 762


  • How Cults Control Their Members

    There are over 2,000 cults in America today and the members of these keep growing. They are getting popular as the rise of people were former members are speaking out and telling their story. Not all cults are necessarily bad, but the ones that are, how do they keep their members from leaving?

    By definition, a cult is “a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious; the object of such devotion; a great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work” (Definition). Cults are a massively interesting topic since there are so many documentaries and videos out about them because of the way they manipulate people into believing in a drastic way of life. Continue reading  Post ID 762


  • Why People Have Irrational Fears of Other Races

    Have you ever had a fear of someone because of the color of their skin? Because of the way they look? At some point when you were younger, because you might of grew up in an isolated area, you might have thought about that. Maybe you still feel this towards some. It’s those irrational fears that place you in the category as a racist or just someone full of hateful behavior. There are many still like you, unfortunately.

    This irrational fear can also be described as Xenophobia which is “an unreasonable fear or hatred of foreigners or strangers or of that which is foreign or strange” (Joyce). Whether it be people of Spanish origin coming to the U.S. or Americans coming to Egypt to visit, there are going to be people who have this and it’s a good idea to understand that. Continue reading  Post ID 762
