• Be careful of what you put on the Internet

    The internet is not a safe place. Almost everyone that knows about the world wide web and its social media platforms, knows to be careful about what they put out there. One questionable post or picture, even sharing an article, can lead to something bad like, not getting the job you want, getting fired from your current job, unwanted attention, and a possibility of the authorities coming to you for questioning. We will discuss what you should and shouldn’t put on the internet whether they are on social media or putting out an article.

    We all have some sort of social media account that we may or may not use every day. Truly, it doesn’t matter if you use it every day. It matters what you put on it. Anyone can search you up on the internet nowadays, so you should reconsider putting out that picture of you drinking a cocktail at that sports bar. If anything, always maximize your privacy settings on it.

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  • Extent of the Presidents Power and Why Limiting the Executive Office is Good

    One individual can’t control the entire United States. If so, we would be in deeper trouble. There are many rules set in place that allow or disallow the President from doing certain actions towards the American people. We will discuss the branches of the government that actually make the laws happen, how far does the President’s power go, and why limiting the Executive office is a good thing for America.

    The President is immediately in charge of the armed forces after he has said the oath. He is also part of the Executive Branch that also includes the Vice President and many others. “The Cabinet and independent federal agencies are responsible for the day-to-say enforcement and administration of federal laws” (The Executive Branch). It staffs 4 million individuals, including many in the armed forces. The office of the President, Department of Agriculture (monitors the USDA), Department of Commerce, Department of Defense, Department of Energy, Health and Human Services, Homeland Security, and a few other departments (The Executive Branch).

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  • My favorite actress and how I would spend my day with them

    Hollywood has a way of making us feel real emotions that we don’t feel every day. Films are what bring us to life even more so. But what do they need to be truly successful? The writing, the score, action (if any), the editing, and the acting from the actors/actresses. Even if they have those, it must be done well. The actors/actresses are what really bring the characters to life and make the emotion of the dialogue. Without them, there wouldn’t be a film to begin with.

    With so many actors and actresses today, and great ones as well, it’s difficult to choose just one that I would consider my favorite and spend my day with. Robert De Niro is a great actor and has been in many successful films, but I don’t think I would want to spend the day with him. Same way of thinking with Michael Fassbender; great actor, don’t want to hang out with.

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  • European Union: How it works

    The political structure of the European Union is an important topic to go over for several reasons. Whether you are going to Europe for traveling purposes or thinking about living there. It’s common sense to understand how the political system works wherever you are living, so for Europe, this is what we will discuss: what the European Union is, how it works, what countries are involved and why it’s important.

    According to Kimberly Amadeo of “the balance,” and many other sources, the “European Union (EU) is a unified trade and monetary body of 2[7] member countries. Its purpose is to be more competitive in the global marketplace. At the same time, it must balance the needs of its independent fiscal and political members” (Amadeo). In simple terms, it’s an economic and political association within European countries that involve free trade.

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  • What happens when there is too much carbon dioxide in our atmosphere

    Global warming, or climate change, has been a much-debated topic for a while. Some believe it doesn’t exist, that it’s not going to change anything, and some believe that it’s something to be of great concern, especially in the coming years. Carbon dioxide is one of the issues that is causing this global warming, or climate change, to happen. To understand what is happening exactly in this topic, we must first discuss what carbon dioxide is and what the effects are, specifically in our atmosphere. Also, how do we help reduce the risk?

    First off, global warming is the heating of the Earth, including the oceans and the atmosphere. “Scientists have documented the rise in average temperatures worldwide since the late 1800’s. Earth’s average temperature has risen by 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit over the past century, according to the Environmental; Protection Agency (EPA)” and are told to rise in the coming years (Bradford).

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  • Why has DC been lacking in the film department?

    DC comics is one of the biggest comic companies in the world. They are so big that they have made their way into film. Being animated or live action, they have only been able to cover a handful of heroes. Comparing themselves to another successful comic company is something that has been done countless times because of the others success; who is better? How does the other comic company compare to DC? Why can’t DC make a decent superhero live action film?

    DC comics is home to amazing heroes such as: Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, The Flash, Cyborg, and so many more. Not to mention the villains that have helmed their way across success, like the Joker, Deathstroke, and Sinestro.

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  • The what, why, and how of Nuclear Batteries

    We use many electronics to power our day. Some use the regular AA or AAA batteries, but some items use nuclear power. Nuclear batteries to be specific. We will discuss what nuclear power/batteries are, what they are used for, and how they are important to our day to day lives.

    Nuclear power, or atomic power, “…uses the energy released by splitting the atoms of certain elements” (Nuclear Power). It’s fairly new, considering the advances we have made with it since it’s development. “…developed in the 1940s, and during the Second World War to 1945 research initially focused on producing bombs which released great energy by splitting the atoms of particular isotopes of either uranium or plutonium” (Nuclear Power). It sounds like it came out of a science fiction novel or film, but it’s actually very useful. However, it can be dangerous.

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  • What is “Agoge?” Can It Be Used Today?

    Training young male children to be loyal and fearless warriors was the ‘norm’ in ancient Greece. Sparta, a city-state in ancient Greece, was a warrior making society that took on many disciplines starting at an early age. The Agoge was the system where they made this known and normal. What happens during the Agoge? Why was this implemented? Considering modern times, is this system still possible today?

    Ancient Greece is fascinating for many reasons like the language, the city-states of Athens, Thebes, and Sparta, the first Olympic Games took place during ancient Greece, the architecture, and of course the early Sparta training known as Agoge. Knowing the history of ancient Greece is an important one, considering it was a different world back then, and knowing it will aid you in understanding the way their life was.

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  • Information/Influence Operations of the U.S. and Russia

    The 2016 election has been the center of much debate and controversy since the, now President Trump, decided to run for office. As the election went on, so did speculations about his Russian ties within the office. Many would say that the Russians conducted information/influence operations against the United States. What are these operations and how do they work?

    Information, or influence operations, are the assemblage of strategic information to have an advantage over an enemy. It “include(s) the collection of tactical information about an adversary as well as the dissemination of propaganda in pursuit of a competitive advantage over an opponent” (Information).

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  • Magnetosphere: Why is it important?

    Earth has many incorporating parts that make it what it is. There’s a few of those incorporating parts that help the Earth sustain life. Since we are the life on Earth, we should discuss what is helping us live and how it is doing so. One of those is a Magnetosphere. What is it exactly, why is it important for us to know, and how is it helping us?

    What is the magnetosphere? The question should really read: What is a magnetosphere, because it’s not just on our planet Earth, but it’s also on other planets as well. “The magnetosphere is the region around a planet dominated by the planet’s magnetic field. Other planets in our solar system have magnetosphere, but Earth has the strongest one of all the rocky planets” (Magnetosphere).

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