It’s apparent that America is in the times of fear. With terrorism, mental health declining, homelessness still a high issue, rising prices, political parties blaming each other for everything, and gun control it’s no wonder. As a society and a person in the midst of this, how can it be solved or approached in a better manner?
Americans are living in such high fear due to many attacks of terrorism and the recent school shootings that we can’t wrap our minds around. “…we are so used to such an insane level or prosperity that the thought of losing git all creates a great deal of fear” (Snyder). The simple thought of losing their jobs and benefits running out, causes them to have high tension and then behavior that makes their marriages fail or families running away from them. It’s a scary time. Continue reading → Post ID 752
Whether you believe in the government and the people controlling the land or not, this land is somewhat being controlled by corporations. There’s nothing we can really do about it, alone, since many people have become pacified in this corporatocracy-created culture and institutions. However, there are ways we can fight against it.
First, a definition, A corporatocracy “is a system of government in which a corporation, group of corporations or entities run by corporations control the direction and governance of a country, either directly or indirectly” (What is). Although, it is said that there are no true corporatocracies in the world today, many will criticize the government for being heavily influenced by corporations. Continue reading → Post ID 752
Mandatory Credit: Photo by John Salangsang/Shutterstock/REX/Shutterstock (5692102if) Sacha Baron Cohen ‘Alice Through the Looking Glass’ film premiere, Los Angeles, America – 23 May 2016
The English actor, Sacha Baron Cohen, known for playing crude roles such as Bruno and Borat, has a new show called “Who Is America?” where he interviews America’s politician, along with famous and not so famous people and provokes them with his over the top characters.
“Who Is America?” is being “teased by the network in a brief video as “perhaps the most dangerous show in the history of television”” (Nordine). Although, that might seem as an extreme overstatement, it could be true as he is talking to politicians on there. Well, tricking them into interviews with his crazy characters. He also makes them do some interesting things on camera and, of course, they do it for the views. Continue reading → Post ID 752
To live a healthy life there are many things one should do – eat balanced meals, exercise, happiness, and going to your checkups. If you do fall under being homo sapiens, then you’ve been sick at least once in your life and have needed to get some sort of prescription or surgery. The cost of those might be sky rocket high if you don’t have health insurance – sometimes with health insurance, it’s still a lot for a small bottle of pills or a simple surgery. Other countries boast about their universal health care, so why doesn’t the U.S. get in on this?
Universal health care or universal health coverage “is a specific type of health care where everyone is provided coverage regardless of their income, race, age, pre-existing conditions, gender, or wealth” (What is). Basically, if you are resident of that country, then you can get health coverage. Nothing complicated about that. The purposed this type of health care “is to provide all citizens with an opportunity to obtain the health care that they may need without having to worry about financial hardship” (What is).
Parents wait for news after a reports of a shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., on Wednesday, Feb. 14, 2018. (AP Photo/Joel Auerbach)
School shootings are happening more frequently and there doesn’t seem to be anything being done to really prevent them from happening. There are protests, peaceful or not, activities to ensure school shooter safety – which shouldn’t even be a problem, but kindergartners are learning how to hide in the corner of their classroom in case one does happen. Society is in full rage, but the government just leads thoughts and prays and maybe a visit.
Apathy is lack of interest or concern in anything/anyone. This case, in preventing school shootings – really any shootings across the world. Schools around the country are doing their best to have drills in response to the many shootings happening. They want to prevent any damage, so they have drills where kids are learning to stay low and quiet in the back of a dim classroom in hopes of not getting shot up. Continue reading → Post ID 752
Being the President is one tough job. Being the highest government leader in the US can be a daunting task, but if I were to be President, there are some things I would change just like many people would. America is great, the land of the free, home of the brave, and many other great happenings have occurred here. Based on the President themselves, they have implemented many laws and said a great many of speeches, however, America isn’t perfect. Nothing ever is, but we can try to be the best that we can be.
Being President, you have numerous jobs to uphold. Many people are counting on you. “Chief executive of the federal government and Commander in Chief of the armed forced. As Commander in Chief, the president has the authority to send troops into combat, and is the only one who can decide whether to use nuclear weapons” (The President’s Job). Continue reading → Post ID 752
FOR RELEASE SATURDAY, JULY 30, 2016, AT 3:01 A.M. EDT.-This photo taken Nov. 19, 2015, shows Melissa Heisler looking at a H&K P2000sk . The store has seen the sale of compact pistols, which are easier to conceal, after the terror attacks in Paris. ( Jeremy Long/Lebanon Daily News via AP)
Mass shootings are events that are, unfortunately, a common tragedy now. Every year, there seems to be a handful of these misfortunes that Americans ‘pray’ and pledge that ‘we aren’t afraid.’ Yet, it seems to continue, year after year, with an individual or some individuals, that rain down terror at an event to be of happiness and fun. I’ll examine the gun laws in some states that are upheld now, two tragic mass shooting events, and why I think America should get stricter gun laws considering these events.
First, the gun law in Nebraska is that “open carry is legal … with a valid license to carry, and you can have a handgun in your vehicle without a permit so long as it is clearly visible” and the Nebraska Constitution states that “… the right to keep and bear arms for security or defense of self, family, home, and others, and for lawful common defense, hunting, recreational use, and all other lawful purposes, and such rights shall not be denied or infringed by the state or any subdivision thereof” (Ciyou). In contrast to North Dakota’s law: “Open carry is legal in North Dakota with a valid license to carry, but you can carry an unloaded handgun without a license during daylight hours, or at any time on your property” (Ciyou). And even contrasting with Arkansas: “Arkansas is a constitutional carry state, meaning that anyone legally allowed to possess a handgun may carry it open or concealed without a license’ (Ciyou).