• Tag Archives American
  • What is best for America: Globalism or Nationalism?

    America is known as the “land of the free.” Where supposedly we put our trust in “God.” America is more diverse than ever, with cultures, races, religion, sexuality, political sections, and even gender. People in America are free to believe in what they want to believe and say what they want to say about it. That’s their freedom of speech going into play. That’s to say, to not confuse it with hate speech. But in today’s political divide, we are more concerned about ourselves than others. To understand what it better for America, in the long run, we must understand what Globalism and Nationalism is. How they affect us and why one would be better than the other.

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  • Extent of the Presidents Power and Why Limiting the Executive Office is Good

    One individual can’t control the entire United States. If so, we would be in deeper trouble. There are many rules set in place that allow or disallow the President from doing certain actions towards the American people. We will discuss the branches of the government that actually make the laws happen, how far does the President’s power go, and why limiting the Executive office is a good thing for America.

    The President is immediately in charge of the armed forces after he has said the oath. He is also part of the Executive Branch that also includes the Vice President and many others. “The Cabinet and independent federal agencies are responsible for the day-to-say enforcement and administration of federal laws” (The Executive Branch). It staffs 4 million individuals, including many in the armed forces. The office of the President, Department of Agriculture (monitors the USDA), Department of Commerce, Department of Defense, Department of Energy, Health and Human Services, Homeland Security, and a few other departments (The Executive Branch).

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