• Tag Archives fiction
  • How to Separate Fact from Fiction on the Internet

               We spend so much time on the internet, it’s become an epidemic of people constantly on their phones or tablets. What are they looking at? It ranges from pictures, statuses, articles, journals, blogs, videos, etc.

    There is so much out there, but how do we know what’s fact from fiction? Just because a ‘truthful’ person says something, does not make it true. It works for a ‘truthful’ website as well. Just because they post something that reads true and you agree with it, does not make it fact.

    Fact is “something that actually exists; reality; truth” and is “a truth known by actual experience or observation; something known to be true” (Fact). Or in other words, something that is a fact is something that can be backed up by evidence that can make it to be true by others.

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