• Tag Archives film
  • Billy Dee Williams and Star Wars

    The newer Star Wars films have been promising a better return of the characters that we love but also new characters to enjoy or hate. Billy Dee Williams, the actor who played Lando in the previous films was recently portrayed by Donald Glover in the Solo film. However, there have been speculations about his return in the ninth installment. When it was confirmed that he was indeed coming back for the original role, the fans of the universe grew happy and wanted to know exactly the purpose of him coming back. Who is Williams and why was his character, Lando, so popular to the audience?

    “Lando Calrissian is a smug gambler, smuggler, and overall purveyor of ill-gotten gains. He had a slim figure, and a million-dollar smile and can go toe-to-toe with Han Solo” (Smith). The character was loved by many and became a very popular one since the 80’s. After confirming his role as Lando, the internet roared in happiness since that’s the role they wanted him to return as. He will reprise his role in the next Star Wars film. Continue reading  Post ID 652


  • Alice Guy-Blaché Was the First Woman Filmmaker

    Alice Guy-Blaché was a pioneer filmmaker, not just in France, but all over the world. She produced, directed, wrote, and starred in many of her own films; among other titles. She was the first woman filmmaker and is often forgotten among the histories of film. Her life should be remembered as well as her many films because the film world needs more woman directors.

    Alice was born July 1, 1873 and died March 24, 1968 in France. She worked on her first film in 1896 and then went on to direct and produce more than six hundred silent films that “range from one minute to thirty minutes” (McMahan). She is known mostly for her Gaumont Chronophone films which are full of energy and risks and use real locations which was very new during this time (McMahan).

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  • Is “Citizen Kane” the Best Film Ever Made?

    Orson Welles directs and stars in a stunning film that came out in 1941 and is regarded as a ‘masterpiece’ and many critics claim it to be the ‘greatest film of all time.’ Let’s look at why it’s claimed as such and if I agree with this.

    Orson Welles Citizen Kane (1941) is about a newspaper tycoon named Charles Foster Kane, played by Welles, who dies in the first 3 minutes of the film and whispers the word ‘rosebud.’ The whole film is a flashback, within flashbacks, on other characters point of views on Kane. A reporter trying to figure out who and why his last word was ‘rosebud.’ A look into Kane’s life as a publishing newspaper tycoon and how no one really knows what he wanted in life.

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