• Tag Archives Italy
  • Dying From Italian Pizza?

    When I search “Italian pizza” into the search bar, it comes up with anything but that. Local eateries that think they serve ‘authentic’ Italian dishes is all that comes up, as well as some recipes that I haven’t used. Authentic Italian pizza should be celebrated for its taste, how it’s made, and how you eat it. American pizza is acceptable, but it’s no match for Italy’s. However, there is the truth about eating too much of it. Pizza in general is not good for you. So, have people died from eating too much pizza? Is it dangerous to eat it every day?

    As some know, American pizza is no match for Italy’s. What makes Italian pizza so good though? Is it the dough? The cheese? The way they make it? Anyone can say “Italian food is better.” But why?

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  • History and Importance of the Verona Opera

    What makes opera so special and spectacular to witness? It’s not the same as watching a musical on Broadway, I would go as far to say it is a better experience. The way you watch it is also of importance. The area, the opera house or arena, the dress code, and the history of the place can increase the experience. The Verona opera house is important because of the history behind it. We will discuss this here as well as why opera is so special.

    The Verona opera house, Arena di Verona, is like a “…less battered version of the Colosseum in Rome” (Tickitaly). It was built in 30 A.D. and was purposed for games, or ‘ludii’, which were circus like events to make the Roman government happy, like gladiator fighting. Unfortunately, the earthquake of 1117, destroyed most of the outer ring. But, the time of the Renaissance saved the Arena and became use to theatre performances (Tickitaly).

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