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  • How to get a career out of college

    It’s mostly easy to get a job. You submit a resume and they call you for an interview and that’s mostly it. When it comes to gaining a career, it’s more complicated. There is more to it than just submitting a resume and going in for an interview. As most know by now, college is for individuals who want to expand their knowledge in the right career paths of their choosing and to gain experience in a career field before going out for the first time. How does one do this though? How complicated can it be? Why is it so complicated?

    Some careers are simple to get right out of college. It really depends on the individual and what they have done to get to that point. Many careers need you to have experience beforehand, as well as the right college degree. In most cases, you will do an internship during your junior year and that is when you gain experience and hopefully get a position to work full time or get referred somewhere else.

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