• Tag Archives life
  • Humanism – A Philosphy

    There are so many ways you could describe humanism. Modern, secular, religious, western cultural, etc. Every way that you see Humanism, there is always going to be something that triggers you into thinking that you are in this as it is very common although people don’t see their views this way. But there is Humanism as a philosophy and you should understand what it really is before delving into it deeper.

    A basic definition of Philosophical Humanism “is any outlook or way of life centered on human need and interest. Sub-categories of this type include Christian Humanism and Modern Humanism” (Edwords). Although, some would say that philosophical humanism “starts with the belief that there is no god” and “that evolution is the cornerstone of the humanist philosophy” (Edwords). Continue reading  Post ID 725


  • Visiting Other Countries Changes Your World View

    Have you ever traveled farther than 1000 miles? Have you ever been to a different country? Have you ever really wanted to? If you are a military brat like myself, then you are all too familiar with the travel life. Traveling and living in different countries changes your world view significantly for the same reasons why living in one place is different.

    Traveling is good for the mind because it broadens your perspective of the world. It’s life experience that you can only get if you board a plane and land somewhere completely new to you. You learn to navigate and challenge the way you see and meet other people. You also learn to live in the moment. Instead of taking pictures of every little thing you see, maybe stop and take it in first or afterwards. Take it all in as you are there (Leimkuehler). Continue reading  Post ID 725


  • Benefits of Going Vegetarian



    There are many websites, videos, and even people out there that are misinformed about vegetarianism. It’s a quality of life, a diet for many people, and a way to judge someone. But, there is more to it than just that. Being vegetarian has many benefits, as well as disadvantages that everyone should know before embarking on this new ‘quality of life’ and before they judge others.

    What exactly is a vegetarian? Is it someone who doesn’t eat any meat? Is it someone who just eats salads and drinks only water? Look at this definition: “a person who does not eat meat: someone whose diet consists wholly of vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts, and sometimes eggs or dairy products” (vegetarian). No meat at all and chooses to have dairy products still. Continue reading  Post ID 725
