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  • The what, why, and how of Nuclear Batteries

    We use many electronics to power our day. Some use the regular AA or AAA batteries, but some items use nuclear power. Nuclear batteries to be specific. We will discuss what nuclear power/batteries are, what they are used for, and how they are important to our day to day lives.

    Nuclear power, or atomic power, “…uses the energy released by splitting the atoms of certain elements” (Nuclear Power). It’s fairly new, considering the advances we have made with it since it’s development. “…developed in the 1940s, and during the Second World War to 1945 research initially focused on producing bombs which released great energy by splitting the atoms of particular isotopes of either uranium or plutonium” (Nuclear Power). It sounds like it came out of a science fiction novel or film, but it’s actually very useful. However, it can be dangerous.

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