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  • What happens when there is too much carbon dioxide in our atmosphere

    Global warming, or climate change, has been a much-debated topic for a while. Some believe it doesn’t exist, that it’s not going to change anything, and some believe that it’s something to be of great concern, especially in the coming years. Carbon dioxide is one of the issues that is causing this global warming, or climate change, to happen. To understand what is happening exactly in this topic, we must first discuss what carbon dioxide is and what the effects are, specifically in our atmosphere. Also, how do we help reduce the risk?

    First off, global warming is the heating of the Earth, including the oceans and the atmosphere. “Scientists have documented the rise in average temperatures worldwide since the late 1800’s. Earth’s average temperature has risen by 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit over the past century, according to the Environmental; Protection Agency (EPA)” and are told to rise in the coming years (Bradford).

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