• Tag Archives space
  • Challenges of Living on the Planet Mars

    Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live on a different planet? Mars is a planet that I have always wondered about. Could we live on Mars? There would be many challenges if we were ever to get there. However, it is one of the planets in our solar system that can be habitable by us.

    Mars is called “The Red Planet” due to its rusted surface from “…the compound iron(III) oxide [that] appears red because it absorbs the blue and green wavelengths of the light spectrum reflecting the red wavelengths” (Wolchover). Mars has a bloody tint that is visible from millions of miles away and even earlier civilizations have called Mars “Her Desher” which means “the red one.” And the Chinese have called it “the fire star” (Wolchover).

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  • Optical Resolutions and Seeing Through Regular Telescopes

    With a normal telescope, or any telescope for that matter, we cannot see artifacts on the moon. Even the Hubble telescope cannot see the flag that was left on the moon from Apollo 11. With understanding what optical resolution is and the lunar landing artifacts, then we can understand why we cannot see them on the moon with a normal telescope.

    Telescopes get light from a large area and bring it into focus, but each focus depends on the light and the design (Optical). Resolution, in telescopes, “…determines how small a detail can be resolved in the image it forms” (Sacek). Or just to simply put it, “the sharpness of an image” (Optical). Would you like it if you’re looking out in the night sky, searching for a specific constellation or looking at the craters on the moon, and can’t seem to get a pleasant view of them because it’s so blurry? Therefore, the design of the telescope for resolution is important.

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  • Magnetosphere: Why is it important?

    Earth has many incorporating parts that make it what it is. There’s a few of those incorporating parts that help the Earth sustain life. Since we are the life on Earth, we should discuss what is helping us live and how it is doing so. One of those is a Magnetosphere. What is it exactly, why is it important for us to know, and how is it helping us?

    What is the magnetosphere? The question should really read: What is a magnetosphere, because it’s not just on our planet Earth, but it’s also on other planets as well. “The magnetosphere is the region around a planet dominated by the planet’s magnetic field. Other planets in our solar system have magnetosphere, but Earth has the strongest one of all the rocky planets” (Magnetosphere).

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