• Tag Archives universal health care
  • Universal Health Care for the U.S.

    To live a healthy life there are many things one should do – eat balanced meals, exercise, happiness, and going to your checkups. If you do fall under being homo sapiens, then you’ve been sick at least once in your life and have needed to get some sort of prescription or surgery. The cost of those might be sky rocket high if you don’t have health insurance – sometimes with health insurance, it’s still a lot for a small bottle of pills or a simple surgery. Other countries boast about their universal health care, so why doesn’t the U.S. get in on this?

    Universal health care or universal health coverage “is a specific type of health care where everyone is provided coverage regardless of their income, race, age, pre-existing conditions, gender, or wealth” (What is). Basically, if you are resident of that country, then you can get health coverage. Nothing complicated about that. The purposed this type of health care “is to provide all citizens with an opportunity to obtain the health care that they may need without having to worry about financial hardship” (What is).

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