• Tag Archives Veneto
  • Five sights you must see when in the Veneto region of Italy

    There are 7 provinces’ in the Veneto region of Italy, so you can imagine that there are a lot of places to visit and sightsee in this area. If you are just visiting the area for two weeks or so, then how are you supposed to see all Veneto has to offer in such a brief time? Luckily, I will discuss the five must see’s, so you can plan accordingly.

    As stated above, there are 7 provinces’ in the Veneto region which include the capital Venice, Belluno, Padua, Rovigo, Treviso, Verona, and Vicenza (Veneto). The region is northeast and “extends from the Dolomites to the Adriatic Sea, by way of an expansive range of hills and a valley furrowed by rivers, canals, and the Po River Delta” (Veneto).

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