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  • How Millennials are Viewed in the Workplace

    Group of business people working at office

    Many older generations would say that millennials are ruining society or the workplace, but we can look at what they do for the workplace that is good. Times change and so does the people with it due to technology and the growing workforce that supports the economy and environment.

    What is a millennial though? “Millennials are the generation born between 1982 and sometime in the early 2000s. However, these boundaries aren’t set in stone” (What is a Millennial?). It can start as easy as 1978 and then as late as 1985, so it really depends on the person’s opinion. Of course, this angers many because they wouldn’t consider themselves as millennials while others do. Continue reading  Post ID 689


  • Wealth Disparity – A Troubling Trend

    America has such a significant difference between people when it comes to wealth, or a individuals net worth and their ability to purchase anything they want. The imbalance has to do with many factors like gender, careers, race, debt, and the economy itself.

    America has more income inequality than any other developed country and the gap between the rich and everybody else is significant. According to Bernie Sanders, “The reality is that since the mid-1980’s there has been an enormous transfer of wealth from the middle class and the poor to the wealthiest people in this country” (Income and Wealth). He has a plan on his website that can reduce income and wealth inequality: Demand that large corporations and the rich pay their share in taxes; increase minimum wage; making tuition free at public colleges and universities; and guaranteeing health care… (Income and Wealth). While its not that easy, its something of a solution.

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